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We create the hero of tomorrow!

People in Norway are very good at consuming, but have little knowledge of how things are made. Technology and machine handling can seem distant and frightening to many, but the truth is that this has become so affordable and accessible to most that it is completely possible to "get up on the horse." We know that many of our jobs will be replaced by robots and automation within a short time, and then we have 2 possibilities; one is giving up and the other is taking control of the technology that replaces us. We choose to bet on the last one.

In Kvæfjord Public Workshop you will be able to meet other people who are interested in intellectual development, ingenuity, crafts and technology. You will have rich access to different knowledge as well as access to modern machines and tools so you can get your idea alive. The Public Workshop is open to all, but if you are under 14 years old, you has to be followed my a adult.

The Workshop will also be Borkenes school (and possibly Rå high school) new or expanded workshop with state-of-the-art equipment that children and adolescents can access after school time.



The Public Workshop will promote creativity and entrepreneurship through establishing a physical training center for crafts and technology. We work to promote interest and curiosity for technology, science, craftsmanship and entrepreneurship / innovation. The association's local is becoming an exercise and training center with high-tech machines and a competent environment. It will be like any fitness center, just that this will be for the brain and creativity.

With a membership you will get training and access to:  

  • Modern 3D-printers 

  • Computers with modern 3D-drawing, video editing, and audio programs 

  • 3D-scanners

  • Oculust rift VR glasses 

  • CNC-milling machines

  • Lasercutter

  • Small electronics workshop with lots of components

  • Metal working machines 

  • Wood working machines

  • Vinylcutter (for advertising on cars and so on) 

  • Large scale photo printer

  • Modern film camera and editing equipment 

  • Music, sound, and light workshop

  • Sawing machines (industrial sawing machine, fabric cutter, overlock machine and coverlock)

  • Ceramic owen 

  • + + whatever you heart desire (maybe)!


At the public workshop there is a high ceiling and a culture to share both knowledge and machinery. No one is too old or stupid to learn something new.


The membership fee is for the maintenance of the machinery and for the purchase of new machines (ie the fee goes back to yourself if you are a member).

Open 24/7

Modern machines/



only 300 kr a month

Free WiFi

The calendar shows examples of activity!


Typical projects in a makerspace:

(Click on the picture for more info!)

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